Saturday, August 14, 2010

How bloody conservative....theists can be!

Earlier this afternoon I was debating a few theists about the existence of God and it's annoying how one of them literally told me 'we have no right whatsoever to even begin debating the existence of God'.
Sounds more like what many of what my fellow atheists have been subjected to hearing when they bring up such a discussion but i was out-rightly dismayed that it was coming from a very literate guy, 'why would I have been created with such intellect that can make me this skeptical about there ever being a creator and yet am not by any right supposed to debate His existence?' I asked and they all went into a moment of silence and sheepishly they began telling me how this brain that I am using was created by God but not to question him. This statement was self-destructing already, 'why would you create something you completely have no control over?', i posed another question and this time they all go crazy.....'Ur not trying to say God doesn't have control over His creation',they said in response but then I asked them to pray hard that he does something to show me he does have that kind of might...they just couldn't...all they bring up was that there's evidence everywhere (oba where).
thing is these peeps just can't point out a single thing to prove a point..they keep jumping from this to that....first they are at 'how did human life start' and when you bring the theory of evolution, they go like ...oooh those are just scientific theories n scientists are using brains that were given to them by God....(they won't learn a single thing ..will they{i mean the believers}?)
well one thing i know about them is that when they realise they can't win, they get angry with you and start calling you evil.
No matter how much intellect u 'pump' into their heads, they just won't take it in, but i wonder; why would someone dismiss a fact that has been well researched n proven and buy into a bunch of lies n myths that are piled in a certain book that is labeled 'divine'?
beats my understanding and leads me to a conclusion that they are just gullible n conservative how I wish their 'God' could pump some sense of understanding in them atleast.

ma conclusion is gonna be a point to note from yours truly ME and it goes;
'The brain is a very vital aspect of the human body that has to be put to proper use, like any other tool, it can be 'borrowed' by someone else if left dormant and when this happens don't be surprised at the outcome (imagine u left ur machete out by mistake and this burglar lands on it on his way to ur house, he could use ur same tool to butcher you).So folks let's be wise enough and use our 'tool' to the best gain of us n not leave others think for us...their thoughts might not be to our best interest.......just thinking.
About yesterday (Friday 13th), whoever believes that sh*t can come suck on ma pretty black .......sorry...the word got erased...nice weekend folks.